We will ensure that your organisation is fully compliant with all aspects of Employment Law;
- Review Current Contracts of Employment
- Recruitment & Selection
- Equality and diversity
- Discipline and Grievance
- Health and Safety
- Maternity, Paternity Pay and Leave
- Leave and Flexible Working
- Redundancy and Termination of Employment
- General Working Practices
- Exit Interviews
- Updates & Amendments
- Review Employee Handbook
Once the content is approved we will visit your offices to highlight and explain key elements of each policy and facilitate meetings with staff to discuss the policies, explaining their responsibilities and how the policies and procedures support the objectives and culture of the organisation.
We will keep you up to date and fully informed of all changes to legislation, case law and recommendations around best practice. When issues are complex and you require further help we will visit you to explain the changes in more detail and how they will impact on your business.